The name of the Association is “THE COLLINGHAM AND LINTON SPORTS ASSOCIATION” (hereinafter called “the Association”), which consists of the cricket, football, squash and hockey sections (“the four constituent sections”). These sections are otherwise known as Collingham and Linton Cricket Club, Collingham Junior Football Club, Collingham & Linton Squash & Racketball Club and Boston Spa Hockey Club respectively.
The objects of the Association are:
The Association or any of its constituent sections have the authority to affiliate to any National Bodies with similar objects.
All surplus income or profits will be reinvested in the Association and no surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or to third parties.
Full Members of the Association are those who are members of at least one of the constituent sections.
Associate Members of the Association are either:
Applications for membership of any constituent section, or for Associate Membership, are open without discrimination to all persons in the area.
The constituent sections shall be liable to pay to the Association (by 31st August in each calendar year) an annual membership fee, the amount to be determined by the Management Committee.
The policy and general management of the affairs of the Association are directed by the Management Committee which will normally meet monthly and must meet not less than seven times a year.
The Management Committee consists of:
If the Association has a bank overdraft facility, as defined in section 11 of this constitution, then the Officers and the appointed members of the Management Committee may be required to guarantee that facility on a ‘joint and several’ basis.
All members of the Management Committee must resign annually, but are eligible to be elected, appointed or co-opted again.
Four voting members is the quorum for meetings of the Management Committee.
All decisions made at Management Committee meetings require a majority. The Chairman has a casting vote.
Minutes must be maintained by the Secretary who must record all proceedings and resolutions. The Chairman must sign each set of minutes as a true and correct record of the meeting.
Each constituent section is responsible for electing its own officials, for managing its own affairs and for submitting its budgets annually to the Management Committee for approval.
Each constituent section must have within its constitution the requirement for an appropriate Child Protection Policy to be in place.
Any changes to the constitutions of the constituent sections must be approved by the Management Committee to ensure compatibility with the Association’s constitution.
The Officers of the Association have the right to be members of the constituent section committees.
Constituent sections are responsible for the discipline and, if considered necessary, for the suspension of their members. Individual members may appeal to the membership of their section and subsequently to the Management Committee if they are dissatisfied with a disciplinary decision made by their constituent section.
In exceptional circumstances, the Management Committee has the right to suspend an individual’s membership if there are good and logical reasons for so doing. The individual member has the right to be heard by the Management Committee before a decision is made. In reaching such a decision in respect of a member of the Management Committee that member will have no right to vote on the issue.
In each calendar year the Management Committee must convene an Annual General Meeting of the Association for the purposes of:
All full members are entitled to attend and vote.
The Secretary must give each constituent section at least 28 days’ notice of the date of the AGM. Each constituent section must then give their members at least 14 days’ notice of the AGM, in writing, by email or via a notice on the relevant section’s notice board. A notice advising all members of the AGM must be posted on the Association notice board at least 14 days before the date of the AGM.
The Chairman or the Secretary may at any time at their discretion call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Association.
In addition, a written request for the holding of an EGM may be made by at least twenty members having the power to vote. Such a request for an EGM must give details of the subject matter to be covered at the meeting. In this case, the Secretary must call a meeting within 21 days of receiving such a request.
All full members must receive not less than 14 days’ notice of an EGM, stating the business that is to be transacted. A notice advising all members of the EGM must be posted on the Association notice board at least 14 days before the date of the EGM.
All full members of the Association are entitled to attend and vote.
All resolutions at AGMs and EGMs require the approval of a three-quarters majority of the votes.
No member is entitled to more than one vote.
Individual proxy votes are allowed which must be in writing and submitted to the Secretary not less than 72 hours before the meeting. These will be exercised in the event of a call for the use of proxies being made at the meeting.
In order to vote members must be full members, be fully paid up and at least eighteen years old at the date of the meeting. A fully paid up member is defined as one appearing on one of the lists of fully paid up members submitted to the Secretary by the constituent sections not less than 72 hours before the meeting.
The quorum for all General Meetings of the Association is 20 members eligible to vote.
Minutes must be maintained by the Secretary who must record all proceedings and resolutions. These minutes must be reviewed at the next Management Committee Meeting to confirm their accuracy and presented to the next Annual General Meeting at which the Chairman must propose them as a true and correct record for approval by the members at that meeting.
The Management Committee are responsible for managing the facilities; including the maintenance and insurance of the grounds and building and the operation of the bar.
The Management Committee has the power to adopt and issue bye-laws or rules for the use of the facilities. Such bye-laws and rules can come into operation immediately provided that they are subject to review by the Management Committee and are not inconsistent with the provisions of this constitution.
The Association must maintain at least one bank account in the name of Collingham and Linton Sports Association. This bank account may have an overdraft facility of up to £25,000 subject to the unanimous approval of the Management Committee.
The constituent sections must maintain bank accounts the names of which clearly identify them as belonging to the section and indicating that they are: ‘a Constituent Section of Collingham and Linton Sports Association’. All these bank accounts must be at the same branch of the same bank as the main CALSA bank account. The Treasurer of the Association must have access to these accounts in order to verify balances. These section bank accounts must not have overdraft facilities.
All funds of a constituent section must be held in a bank account or multiple bank accounts of the relevant section. If funds belonging to a section are held by the Association then this must be recorded in a reserve account within the Association’s accounts which clearly identifies the funds as belonging to that section.
The Management Committee must agree annually the budget for the management and development of the facilities.
The Management Committee must decide annually the contribution towards the Association’s general funds that is required from each constituent section.
The constituent sections must provide annual budgets to be approved by the Management Committee. These budgets must include the proposed timing and financing of any significant capital expenditure.
Constituent sections are expected to perform strictly to their budgets and must provide monthly monitoring information to the Treasurer, who must include this information in the management accounts presented monthly to the Management Committee.
The following spending limits apply to expenditure on individual items, whether the money is from the Association or from the constituent section funds:
Cheques from the Association bank account must be signed by any two out of the Officers of the Association.
Contractual obligations on behalf of the Association which would include both financial commitments and contingent liabilities must be signed by any two Officers of the Association.
The constituent sections have no authority to borrow from external sources of finance.
The Association has the following limits on its authority to borrow money to finance individual items of expenditure:
The Treasurer must keep proper accounts of the finances of the Association.
Under current legislation there is no need for the Accounts to be audited. If this legislation changes to require one then the requirements of this paragraph will be incorporated into that Audit. In the absence of an audit, however, the accounts must be reviewed at least once a year by the appointed independent financial reviewer or reviewers. This review must encompass at least verification of bank balances and confirmation of the acceptability of the processes involved in maintaining the accounts.
The reviewed and approved Statement of Accounts for the last financial year must be submitted by the Management Committee to the AGM.
The title of all and any real property which may be acquired by or for the purpose of the Association is vested in the Association.
If the other party to any agreement requires named individuals to be included therein then the voting members of the Management Committee will be listed.
The Secretary will be responsible for revising any such included list in any current agreements whenever the composition of the Management Committee changes.
If the Management Committee by a three-quarters majority decides at any time that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Association, it must call an Extraordinary General Meeting.
In addition, such a proposal must be posted in conspicuous places in the neighbourhood, advertised in a newspaper that circulates in the area and notified in writing to any Government Departments from which a grant or aid may have been obtained.
If such a proposal should be confirmed at the EGM, the Management Committee will have the power to dispose of the assets held by or in the name of the Association. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities must be applied for approved sporting or charitable purposes by being transferred to a Community Amateur Sports Club, a registered charity or various Sports’ Governing Body or Bodies.
Any proposal to alter this constitution must be delivered to the Secretary in writing, giving details of the changes being proposed, not less than 60 days before the date of the General Meeting at which it is first to be considered. An alteration will require the approval of all of the following:
This Constitution was adopted as the Constitution of the Collingham and Linton Sports Association at a joint meeting of the existing organizations duly convened at The Memorial Hall, Collingham on 20th February 1973.
It has subsequently been amended: